Bay Area Sporthorse Equestrian
Where great riders start from their BASE
to reach new heights
Located in the beautiful East Bay hills and in the Woodside area, we offer a boutique equestrian program for every type of rider, rider wannabe (we all start some where) or simply just equine enthusiasts.
Jacqueline Blais
Thank you for stopping & taking the time to learn a little bit about B.A.S.E. and what we are all about. I say we, because even though this ultimately started as a one girl operation (enter Jacqueline Blais stage right), I couldn’t do it without my amazing horses (I mean really, can’t train horses unless you have them right?
So it all started a long, long time ago (imagine looking at pictures in a book as they come to life and fill screen) when I first saw The Black Stallion as a kid on TV (yes, it’s totally corny, but also totally true!) and it was love (or probably obsession) at first sight. I did not start riding until I turned 13 and may have never, if not for having a local barn down the street from my house. You think, lucky right? You have no idea. I grew up in Oakland, CA and who ever heard of horses, let alone a local stable in Oakland? But it did and still does exist! Go Anthony Chabot Equestrian Center! Ok, moving on. So for my 13th birthday I get horseback riding lessons, (finally) which ultimately led me into a life of equestrian slavery. For years, I mucked stalls, cleaned tack, painted jumps, cleaned cars and sold my soul -you know the usual- just to get a free ride or free lesson on something that was four legged. While I did it, I had the time of my life and learned some important life lessons: all things blossom with care, diligence, consistency and patience whether it is directed towards our self or another. Sappy, I know, but oh so true.
Luckily, I am not really the sappy type. I’m really more the ‘recovering-adrenaline-aholic-that-still-likes-to-live-close-to-her-kryptonite’ type. But don’t worry I have it all under control!
Alright, kidding aside, here are the basic credentials, I’ve dabbled in most everything from western ( yes, I did gymkhana, some reining and I loooove team penning!), endurance (very valuable for learning how to condition a horse), dressage (simply can’t do without it) and jumping. For the more classic sports of dressage and jumping I’ve worked for or taken clinics with some very cool horse men and women. Chelsea Sibley is credited with providing me with a solid start in dressage and Sarah Crary for keeping it real with the jump training-she is a grid master! Trainers I’ve had the joy to clinic with are: Jimmy Wofford, Brian Sabo and Yves Sauvignon. But names mean nothing if you don’t know who I’m talking about, and I’m usually in the dark myself when people name drop 😉 So, if you really want to know what I’m all about, drop by!